
[Clips] Am I Wrong - Issues of Social Media in Malaysian Society

With the prevalence of social media and digital forums, comments, photos, posts, and content shared by individuals can often be viewed by strangers as well as acquaintances. The content an individual shares online – both their personal content as well as any negative, mean, or hurtful content – creates a kind of permanent public record of their views, activities, and behaviour. This public record can be thought of as an online reputation, which may be accessible to schools, employers, colleges, clubs, and others who may be researching an individual now or in the future. Cyberbullying can harm the online reputations of everyone involved – not just the person being bullied, but those doing the bullying or participating in it. This is the clips of video called "Am I Wrong?". This short video is about bullying through social media as known as cyberbullying. With this video, we hope that we can tell many people how harm cyberbullying is and tell people to stop the acti...

What’s The Benefit Of Social Media For Education?

It’s been a long time since the Internet came into our lives, and it has certainly changed the way we keep informed about all the things happening around the world and how we communicate and interact with each other. And when it comes to social media, we know they have come to stay. This is why it’s so important for educational centers to know the benefits of social media in their students while understanding the fact that social networks can be perceived as tools to help them with their studies and their personal development and not only as a hobby or a distraction. To get to know all the effects of social media on youth and the positive aspects of using these networks as part of education, we have listed them into the most important ones. Keep reading and find out why is so important to incorporate the use of media in education. Improves communication inside and outside the classroom Social media is the perfect tool for communication flow between students and teacher...

Three major educational benefits of social media

In the present era, a revolution in technology provides various opportunities for studies and education that are accessed by everyone all around the world. The world of education has completely changed and become massive ever since the internet and technology were included in the formula. Development and growth in form of social networking websites, instructors and educators are seeking for their potential use in education, have the conscious that social networking sites have the capability to endorse both collaboration and active learning. However, social media has been criticised a lot due to the effect it has on the way students produce and retain information. Some parents are of the opinion that social media can be very distracting and harmful for students. On the contrary, social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interaction. It is rather simple to see how students benefit from social media. By using technology in classrooms, the young generation is p...

Is social media a blessing or a curse for our education?

Social media is one of the most effective ways for people to connect and communicate with others from around the globe. However, it is not easy to answer the question as to whether social media is a blessing or a curse for the education system. Students can find custom research paper service, or buy a custom research paper at different services through connecting to social sites, which makes social media and education to have a positive relationship. Benefits Of Social Media Provides Information Learning in this digital era is a little complex. Students are seeking information from whatever medium available to ensure they fulfill their needs academic needs. However, not all students have resources where they can find all the necessary information to improve their academics. The use of social media in education yet guarantees that students experience incredible benefits of social media for society. Additionally, unlike when using books and other learning mat...

Chances and dangers of social media in educational contexts

1. The Future is digital Public opinion is unanimous: our future is digital. The world and our lives will be dominated by digital software, digital gadgets, digital media, digital economy and digital algorithms. And, of course, digital social networks. That’s why people suppose that education, of course, must be and will be digital, too, and use digital gadgets, digital media and, last but not least, social networks for educational purposes. 2. Digital education is better It is supposed that digital education will be even much better than traditional education: educational software powered by artificial intelligence will present exercises tailored to the individual needs of every single pupil. Learning with tablet computers will be fun, visual media will enhance learning to the max. Also, educational software never gets angry at pupils and students, it never loses patience. It is available any time and anywhere on the internet and tablet computers or ...

Become a cyborg in Social Media

Children and young people with mental health problems will be routinely asked about their use of social media under new guidance being issued to NHS psychiatrists. Under-18s seeking help with conditions such as anxiety, depression and eating disorders will be questioned to see whether using Facebook, Instagram or other platforms is causing or exacerbating their illness. As a result, when they first meet young people, psychiatrists will ask if accessing such sites is affecting their sleep, performance at school, mood or eating habits. They will try, for example, to establish whether troubled young people have spent time on sites that promote self-harm or encourage anorexia. Parents will also be asked what devices are in their homes, which ones their child uses and how often, and whether their offspring look at screens during meals or while adults are doing chores. The guidance has been issued by the Royal College of Psychiatrists at a time of growing concern tha...

Social media addiction is not natural or normal – but is it really a disease?

Is social media addictive? The issue is complex, and probably generational. It’s obvious that what social media does to us, especially those of us who are heavy users, is not natural, or normal. It’s not normal to submit opinions for approval every day to an online crowd, nor is it normal to consume the opinions of strangers in bulk. It’s not normal to live under the surveillance of software companies, which tailor their advertising with such eerie precision that it seems impossible that they are not listening in on our conversations. It’s definitely not normal to wake in the night to use social media, or to spend roughly 24 hours a week on it, returning again and again even though it can make us feel depressed and alone. None of these behaviours were normal a few decades ago, nor are they especially useful to us today, but they’re practised by billions of people across the world. On Monday a report was published by an all-party parliamentary group (APPG), proposing t...